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16  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Video & Audio / Looking for a few shows on: September 17, 2017, 08:14:33 am
Hi there,

I'm looking to download a few shows to burn to disc for the car.

Does anybody pease have:

Shoreline Amphitheatre 1988
Saratoga 1992
Carnegie Hall 1991

And/or any other outstanding shows you think would be a great listen? Recent shows welcome as well, as I have absolutely nothing from recent years.

I have the usual suspects - 4th July 1992, Dallas '88, Belmont Mall '87, live rehearsals '91, etc and the 82/84 radio radio broadcasts on bootleg CD already.

Any help appreciated.

17  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: Mellencamp Newsletter: Sad Clowns & Hillbillies Out TODAY! on: May 01, 2017, 09:23:24 am
Great album. I listened after work on Friday on Spotify then grabbed the CD here at HMV in Glasgow, Scotland on Saturday afternoon.

Glad to say, I've played absolutely nothing else since.
18  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Grandview and All Night Talk Radio on: May 01, 2017, 09:17:42 am
Yep, interesting stuff. I was intrigued by Aronoff, Myers, Stradlin and Lynch's inclusion on the album's back cover (kinda vague) credits.

Just shows that JM - who's notoriously reluctant to look back or talk outtakes/anniversary packages of classic much-loved albums - must have a LOT of cool stuff in the Belmont Mall vault. Hopefully we get a fair-sized chunk of it someday (oh, the missed opportunity that was the Rural Route box...only Colored Lights and the alternate LUV really stand out for me of the 11 or so tracks us Mellencamp diehards didn't already have.)

Anyway, what a great album this new one is. His best since...oh, I dunno...Human Wheels? Trouble no More?

19  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Video & Audio / Re: "Thundering Hearts" on American Bandstand on: April 07, 2017, 09:31:27 am
They're just miming/lip-syncing to the studio record  Shocked

20  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Tracklist for the new record? on: March 15, 2017, 02:50:45 pm
Thanks, my man.

Looking forward to the album here.
21  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Tracklist for the new record? on: March 12, 2017, 08:15:33 am
Hello Everyone,

Does anybody know the track list for the new album? I can't seem to find one anywhere .

I'm just interested in the song titles. Info on musicians, producer, etc would also be interesting and would whet the appetite for the new release, too...
22  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Articles / Re: Artsy Editorial: Rock-and-Roll Legend John Mellencamp Talks Painting, Bob Dylan, on: November 11, 2015, 02:34:32 pm
Thanks, Tony.

A very interesting piece.
23  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Suggestions / One catch-all JM forum would be better on: November 11, 2015, 04:44:25 am
Hi Tony,

It's just my opinion - and I know I've brought this up before - but I really do feel that more traffic would be generated if we had just one main Mellencamp forum here.

There are just so many subforums here: I strongly believe that one main JM forum would engender more community spirit here and also, perhaps more importantly, generate more in the way of intelligent discussion of JM's music and what it's meant for a lot of us over the years.

Just a thought.
24  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Trivia / Re: Are You A True John Mellencamp Fan? on: November 11, 2015, 04:38:36 am
I got 12; I'm a "Mellenhead", apparently.

I actually thought I would've done better after 26 years of being a fan, but hey.
25  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Transmission from a Small Town on: November 08, 2015, 06:23:34 am
I've just ordered this (unauthorised) CD release of the 1987 radio show that I've owned for the best part of 20 years as the boot "The Little Bastard's Birthday Party"; I've ordered it from the Amazon UK site.

This new release appears to have the show in the correct chronological order, as well as improved sound (judging from songs on YouTube).

This was John and the band on fire and some of these songs are, for me, the definitive versions; looking forward to receiving this in the next few days. I always figured JM might've used stuff like this for a rarities box set, but hey ho.
26  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Well...who's heard it? on: September 10, 2014, 01:57:34 pm
Advance copies of Plain Spoken must be flying around...what should we expect to hear? Looking forward to it.
27  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: The Girl in the Video: “Jack & Diane” (1982) on: July 18, 2014, 08:46:47 am
Very cool.
28  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: John Mellencamp: Trouble No More Live At Town Hall on: July 17, 2014, 07:23:37 am

I'm currently blasting this on my first play-through. Wow, I'm up to Down in the Bottom and this is just soooo good. Run, don't walk, to get this one, folks!
29  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Some JM-related thoughts on: July 17, 2014, 04:17:47 am
Just adding to this old thread with another question that's bugged me fir years:

Do we know for sure which Big Daddy tracks Dave Grissom plays on?

I'm guessing Pop Singer and the title track...

Also, did JM ever go on record as to why he produced Big Daddy without Don Gehman? JM did a fantastic job as Big Daddy and its successor, WWW, sound absolutely awesome to this day.
30  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Setlist from Summer Tour Opener on: July 08, 2014, 02:29:37 pm
Wow, just 13 songs. That's crazy, surely?!?

With a catalogue like Mellencamp's...that's sad.
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