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1  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Re: Soaring Eagle Casino 4/15/2016 FAN REVIEW! on: April 20, 2016, 10:01:32 am
Hey Brianna,

I was one of the few waiting in the parking garage!  You SO deserved to get that front row seat!! Congrats!!  And isn't Miriam the BEST!!!!!  She really treats you like an old friend!! LOVE HER!!!!! security kicked us out before John showed up...oh well.....casinos are weird huh?  Ya, the shows are shorter and all that....but any chance we have to see John play...we grab it .... BUT...first time I've SAT through a Mellencamp concert!  Crazy!  Truly!

I've had my share of Mellenmoments and they are something you will never forget! 

-"somedays I still don't know what to do"-

Mary in Michigan

2  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ticket & Tour Questions / SOARING EAGLE CONCERT TICKETS on: April 10, 2016, 10:27:52 am
If anyone is needing to get rid of tickets in the first couple rows...let me know!  You can email me privately at [email protected].

'-somedays I still don't know what to do-"

Mary in Michigan
3  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: Mt. Pleasant MI Casino Show Added on: February 11, 2016, 08:52:09 am
I'm thinking it's the casino....they are saving close seats for the high rollers.  When I went to get my tickets it took me to best available...wouldn't give me access to I grabbed the C2 just to be sure I got something.  I checked a few minutes later and then there were some seats made available in C1...they were the rows farther back though.

"-some days I still don't know what to do-"
Mary in Michigan
4  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: Mt. Pleasant MI Casino Show Added on: February 03, 2016, 10:12:29 pm
Is the ticket website for Soaring Eagle going to be connected with the casino tomorrow or some other site?  Wondering because I cannot access anything with the word 'casino' from my office computer....would have to figure something out Undecided

"-so days I still don't know what to do"
Mary in Michigan
5  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: Mt. Pleasant MI Casino Show Added on: February 02, 2016, 03:34:39 pm
I was there!!!  It started raining that night and John left the stage during the performance and came back saying he had to get some different shoes on cuz he was 'gonna bust his ass on that stage".....I'll never forget it!   I say that all the time in the winter when I'm walking on ice.

Can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

"-somedays I still don't know what to do-"
Mary in Michigan
6  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: Mt. Pleasant MI Casino Show Added on: February 02, 2016, 10:28:43 am
WWWHHHHAAAATTTTTTT?Huh??!!!!!!!!!!!  I never expected a chance to see this show again!!  So I'm not gonna sleep until April 15th!!!!!!!!

"-somedays I still don't know what to do-"
7  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Plain Spoken first impressions on: October 02, 2014, 09:26:24 am
let's just hope it doesn't get any gruffer ''is that a word'' on future albums and he doesn't end up sounding like Dylan.

Have to agree with this....a little 'gruffiness' is good....but not all the time!

-somedays I still don't know what to do-
Mary in Michigan
8  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Plain Spoken Reviews on: September 29, 2014, 11:21:46 am
Agree with that...

Also wanted to say that it's great that John has written music that allow his musicians to shine....!!!

-somedays I still don't know what to do-
Mary in Michigan
9  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Plain Spoken first impressions on: September 29, 2014, 11:16:10 am
HA!   Ya!  For sure!!!

-somedays I still don't know what to do-
Mary in Michigan
10  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Tears in Vain on: September 26, 2014, 10:29:05 am
Holy Crap!!!

"Killing Me Softly With His Song" just came on the radio!!!

That's kind of a creapy Mellenmoment!!!

-somedays I still don't know what to do-
Mary in Michigan
11  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Tears in Vain on: September 26, 2014, 09:43:14 am
"makes his music wash away the dust of my everyday life.  When I need something it is always his song. "

Well it....!

Everytime I hear the song "Killing Me Softly With His Song" (or whatever it's titled) I think of John because that is what his songs do to a good way....they tear at my heart, they bring joy to my soul, they make me FEEL.....washing away the dust....

-somedays I still don't know what to do-
Mary in Michigan
12  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Plain Spoken Reviews on: September 25, 2014, 01:12:16 pm
After more listening....Tears in Vain should be a single!

-somedays I still don't know what to do-
Mary in Michigan
13  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Plain Spoken Reviews on: September 24, 2014, 09:55:35 am
Will agree with prior posts and chime in here...

Only listened a couple of times so far ....the MUSIC in this album is what struck me at first.  WOW!  Beautiful!!  Truly...something different yet you catch strains of similarity to other songs.  Really - I think he's outdown himself on the music part of these songs.  Then I listened more to the words, which again were though provoking.

Yea we all wish we could be 'forever young'...this album wasn't really what I expected...I really didn't think I was going to enjoy it because I knew it wasn't going to contain a 'rock' song.  But it surprised me....cuz it's different....and as John changes so does his music...which is pretty cool.  I'm thinking people who 'only know' who he is aren't gonna get it because they haven't been on his journey like his fans have.  Too many people look for another "Hurts So Good" or "Crumblin Down"; and that's not what's happening now.  They are missing out on a beautiful, beautiful album.  Maybe that's the problem with the reviewers.

IMHO John is a true artist....he explores and tries new things...
14  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Re: Winstar Casino Concerts on: July 01, 2014, 11:49:00 am
Funny story re: obnoxious people.....

A group of four had front row seats at one of John's concerts that I went to.  When he was doing his solo bit they were standing at the foot of the stage talking the whole time.  In the middle of a song he walked away from the mike over to them and said, "If you want to have a conversation why don't you take it out into the hall."

Go John!

I'll never forget that!!

-somedays I still don't know what to do-
Mary in Michigan
15  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: New Ghost Brothers Tour Announced on: June 13, 2014, 07:54:59 pm
Will the cast be the same as the previous tour?

"-somedays I still don't know what to do-"
Mary in Michigan
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