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1  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: Pre-Sales Start Tuesday! on: September 16, 2014, 10:23:08 am
Has anyone been able to get into the Midland site in KC to buy a ticket?
2  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Re: Is There A 2013 Tour In The Works? on: May 10, 2013, 08:52:28 pm
FYI that is a Ghost Brothers tour, not a John Mellencamp concert tour.
thanks, Tony as that answers the four piece band piece from the email.  You are always so helpful. 
3  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Re: Is There A 2013 Tour In The Works? on: May 10, 2013, 12:48:11 pm
I got an email at 12:29 central time announcing a tour in the midwest.  October and November.
4  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Lonesome Jubilee Released On This Date on: August 26, 2011, 09:16:05 pm
Wow, doesn't feel like that long ago and the music is still contemporary and relevant.  Thanks for posting.  Trying not to feel too old... really, 24 years ago.  You sure it wasn't just yesterday.  Smiley


5  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Review of Farm Aid on: August 14, 2011, 05:54:16 pm
Here's the link to the KC Star review of Farm Aid.  Complimentary to John and band.
6  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Farm Aid Setlist **SPOILER** on: August 14, 2011, 05:35:19 pm
How was the sound live for the different bands?  I know in some of those big stadiums the sound system and acoustics are not so great.  I heard a good part of John's set on Sirius and thought they sounded great on there.  Still amazed by the way the reworked Walk Tall sounds and each time I hear the new version I think it sounds better.
I'm not a good judge of the sound quality overall.  Earlier in the afternoon we just sat down in the stands and it sounded good.  Loved Rebecca Pidgeon's "Disintegration Man" and heard that in the stands.  Moved to my seat in 4A, row 8 and we could feel the music as well as hear it. :-)  At times there was some feedback, but overall I had no complaints.

7  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Farm Aid Setlist **SPOILER** on: August 14, 2011, 04:31:15 pm
Did John, Neil and Dave all come out to sing with Willie at the end? I heard they did not  do that this year.

I read DM's set was almost 45 min.
No, the only headliner out there at the end was Willy.  He did have Will Daly and Jamey Johnson out there with a plethora of other folks (Native American dancers from opening, a marine in full uniform, the guy who played harmonica for Jakob Dylan and with Lukas Nelson plus lots of others. 

Mraz didn't bring his band this year - just Taco Riveria (I think that was his name).  Same with Neil Young - no Pegi.  Both their solo sets were great. 

Jamey Johnson didn't sing his #1 In Color, but he did sing Give it Away and that got an enthusiastic response. 

Enjoyed Farm Aid greatly.  Good seats.  Love that security did keep the aisle between 4A and 3A clear (for the most part).  Really enjoyed Rebecca Pidgeon and was surprised that I enjoyed Billy Joe Shaver.

Would have to agree that if you didn't know John was playing Farm Aid, you'd really have not known.  They were wonderful, but no real acknowledgement of farmers and their plight.  However, I'll take JM live no matter how he comes. 

As Neil said, buy American if you can't buy local.  Which is why I walked past the on sale grapes from Mexico in favor of the Washington state cherries.

8  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Re: Ticket prices - What a rip off on: July 31, 2011, 08:20:12 pm
[quote ]
the older i get the less important money is and i'm not rich

it's all relative to only one person. yourself.

me. it's priceless.

That's how I feel.  If he's touring near me, I don't care what he charges.  Neither of us (John or me) is getting any younger; so, the ticket price is less important to me than location and date.

9  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: Fall 2011 No Better Than This Tour Announced on: July 27, 2011, 08:35:15 pm
Too bad for those of us in the Kansas City area - don't want to drive to Indy or Louisville, but always happy to see John out touring.

Hydrate for Farm Aid as it was hot here today and usually is in August, too.

10  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Fall US tour????? on: July 27, 2011, 08:33:52 pm
Tony just posted the Tour.  Nothing close to Kansas City, but good for you all on the east cost.

11  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Farm Aid Coming to Kansas City? on: July 17, 2011, 10:09:40 pm
Heading to Kansas for Farm Aid and will be staying through Sunday...leaving Monday.  Any suggestions on what we should take in on Sunday as far as sight-seeing or whatever? 


"-somedays I still don't know what to do-"

Mary in Michigan
The World War I Museum in the Liberty Memorial near Union Station is amazing.  All that stuff you were taught in high school history class will make sense after visiting it.  Union Station is also interesting.  As long as you are down there, walk through Crown Center.  It's basically shops but there are some interesting ones.   

The Power and Light District is fun - College Basketball experience is fun if you like b-ball.  Do you like art?  You can visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum.  If you prefer funky art, visit Moon's Marbles in Bonner Springs which is actually close the the concert venue.   Walking around the Plaza and window shopping is fun if you like upscale stores.  Lots to do in greater KC.

12  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Farm Aid Coming to Kansas City? on: May 12, 2011, 08:40:24 pm
Just might have to venture out to my first Farm Aid!  Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

You really should.  I went to the one in St. Louis and had a commitment for last year's date, but I am hooked.  It's a great concert with a mixture of acts.  Fun atmosphere.  It'll be hot and humid in Kansas in August, but worth it.   Got my tickets this morning.

13  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Omaha Show on: April 30, 2011, 03:55:26 pm
I can't believe no one has posted about the Omaha show.  It was high energy and wonderful.  Saw the show in KC in November and this was markedly better.  Another couple we met as we were checking out of the hotel saw the KC show and this one and agreed that Omaha was better.   Seemed to last longer; more John talking; band rocking.  The bar was outside the auditorium unlike in KC; so, thankfully there was no bar noise.  Guy pulled up to sing Rock did a good job with the lyrics.   Saw he signed an album cover for a woman in the front row during the final bows.   And the film, it is much more interesting the second time around.  I'd netflix it if it were available. 

Here's a review from the Omaha paper:

I hope he will go back out on the road when he gets back from Europe.  It's two hours of pure bliss for me.


14  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Blog / Re: Fan Photographer Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver, Canada on: April 23, 2011, 09:55:25 pm
Thanks for sharing - loved shots of the band and smiled at your pass.
15  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Omaha, NE / Re: Going to Omaha? on: April 22, 2011, 08:10:08 pm
Less than a week and I can't wait.  Saw the movie in November and not sure I want to see it again.  I know it is heresy, but I can't help it. 
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