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meg's 50th party with john
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Topic: meg's 50th party with john (Read 38239 times)
Authority Fighter
Posts: 50
meg's 50th party with john
November 21, 2011, 10:39:35 pm »
Authority Fighter
Posts: 91
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #1 on:
November 24, 2011, 10:43:20 am »
looking at these photos, it doesnt look like john really put too much of interest in really making a great 50th party. gees the cake speaks for itself. and the pics of the two together, john dont look like he has that "head over in heels " beaming in love look
yes john my prayer partners and i are still praying for you. we still havent given up on you.
keep the faith / peace & love
God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
Certified Mellenhead
Posts: 534
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #2 on:
November 24, 2011, 12:08:20 pm »
You crack me up marilyn.!! So the party was not good enough!?
The smiling and cuddling up together, they look pretty happy
As for the cake John didnt make it or even SEE it before he got there.
She is like John. She does not like fancy stuff or big deal made about her. Too fly in 7 of her friends was amazing. It was obviously meant to be a small intimate dinner party.
Your negativity about this couple is off putting per usual. Let em be FCOL. Go someplace and analyze Irwin's relationship with her Boyfriend now. Nice of you to wish meg Happybirthday BTW
Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 12:40:15 pm by Mellenfan71
Authority Fighter
Posts: 91
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #3 on:
November 24, 2011, 03:32:14 pm »
im glad i made your day mellenfan. its always nice to put a smile on someones face.
what im wondering is where her freinds pictures and johns boys pictures. all i see is a cake, the couple who made the cake and john looking down instead of into megs eyes. i dont see any cuddling. body language says alot. oh i forgot and the pics of john performing in his concert.
and of course he booked in advance, he had a concert that night. but wouldnt you think that if john was really into meg he wouldnt of booked a concert on her birthday?
by the way i am including you in prayer with my prayer partners and i as we also pray for john. Gods peace be with you
keep the faith / peace & love
Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 04:07:47 pm by marilynb
God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
One of the Crazy Ones...
Posts: 407
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #4 on:
November 24, 2011, 03:33:05 pm »
I agree with Marilyn, its a party booked in advance for a friend.
Authority Fighter
Posts: 69
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #5 on:
November 24, 2011, 04:42:32 pm »
Oh so organising a surprise party for your girlfriend and flying in five of her best friends from across the country is not showing interest huh? WHATEVER. They've been together for a year now.
The photos to me show a restaurant secretly trying to take some pix -it's obvious they are both uncomfortable with it - and then betraying their trust by giving them to the media to get attention for the restaurant. That's low, considering the money John spent there. As for the cake, that obviously was made by the restaurant itself as a gift. They should have tried harder.
Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 04:48:34 pm by Rhonda2
Authority Fighter
Posts: 91
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #6 on:
November 24, 2011, 07:21:58 pm »
uh huh john and elaine were together for 18 years. so what does that say? 1 year with meg makes all the difference?
judging by the picture of the owner of the restaurant, meg and the other gal, yeah they sure do look uncomfortable. looks like theyre all smiles to me. and theyre looking rite at the camera these 3 except meg is looking down with a big smile. yeah right
you know what? meg has not been in the spotlight for years. now all of sudden for the last year she is getting a lot of attention becuz she gets next to john (while he is still married to elaine regardless wether they were having difficulties or not, or getting a divorce or not) and then all of sudden shes in the spotlight. i pray to God that she is not using john for this purpose. becuz in my experience of working and knowing limelight people, this has been known to happen and it happens all the time. in fact its normal to use someone for those purposes. remember meg is an actress
keep the faith / peace & love
Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 12:15:07 am by marilynb
God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
One of the Crazy Ones...
Posts: 407
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #7 on:
November 24, 2011, 07:49:44 pm »
Her publicist has been pretty busy announcing things with her approval which is obvious. The write up did not say John paid for every bodies trip. They were invited. I definitely agree with you Marilyn. Time will tell.
Authority Fighter
Posts: 69
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #8 on:
November 25, 2011, 01:31:31 am »
Her publicist hasn't been announcing anything to the media, sheila. The only time he spoke up was to immediatly deny the wedding rumors.
As for her getting media attention, marylinb, there is a reason for that: see, like it or not, she is wayyyyyyy more famous than John is. In fact, she's still world-famous, even though her career has faded. That means when she dates someone, the media will be paying attention to it.
Yep, he was married to Elaine for 18 years. And then he divorced her. Now he's with Meg. Better get used to it.
Authority Fighter
Posts: 91
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #9 on:
November 25, 2011, 07:12:57 am »
rhonda2 as i have said before in my posts and i will say it again "fame is fleeting"
i will also include you in my prayers with my prayer partners. may Gods peace be with you.
keep the faith / peace & love
God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
One of the Crazy Ones...
Posts: 407
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #10 on:
November 25, 2011, 08:25:39 am »
You said it Rhonda2, her career had faded and now she needs to get herself known again. At what cost? Poor John?
Certified Mellenhead
Posts: 534
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #11 on:
November 25, 2011, 09:55:17 am »
now she needs to get herself known again. At what cost? Poor John?
, Can we a stop these same two posters. This is ridiculous
a woman you don't know (and never will) is ridiculous and it got old a long time ago.
Meg has never talked to the press(or has her publicist) or has said anything publically about John. She is as private as he is. John even said he felt bad for meg because the photogs follow her around.
maybe the moderators want to refrain from posting articles about meg/john relationship. Cause a couple of posters cant handle it
Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 10:42:29 am by Mellenfan71
Authority Fighter
Posts: 69
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #12 on:
November 25, 2011, 11:45:14 am »
TY Mellenfan71.
Marylinb, leave me out of your prayers, I didn’t ask for them, I sure don’t need them, and I don’t want them, certainly not coming from you.
As for Meg Ryan, if she wanted attention from the media, she could easily get it. She sure doesn’t need John - or any other man - for that. She is still way more famous than he is. Not to mention she’s super rich, probably has a lot more $$$ than John. It’s obvious neither one of them is seeking the media’s attention. The only ones who have so far spoken about the relationship to the media are in fact John’s publicist and John himself.
She can do no right in your eyes, can she. No matter what she does, you’d always find something wrong with it. But then again I get the feeling this isn’t about Meg Ryan, is it? Seems to me this is all about John & Elaine’s divorce.....
Anyway, this thread was about John throwing a surprise birthday party for his girfriend. That was a nice gesture. That’s the last thing I’ll say about it. Have fun blaming Meg Ryan for whatever.
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 120
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #13 on:
November 25, 2011, 12:10:08 pm »
It seems that marilynb is the one that wants the attention. I said it before, quit reading her posts if they upset you. Although, I have been reading them again after a few months of not readidng then and now I laugh out loud. I used to try to bark back but it just is not worth the effort. The only time she chimes in is when there is NO news or chats from last night's show or if his is not living his day to day life like she thinks he should live it. She thrives on bragging about praying for us all that don't agree with her and trying to save John's life instead of focusing on the things we love about JM. You can't reason with people like this so just give up. Life is too short. Who cares about his personal life? Instead.......How about if we all hope and pray that he keeps writing and singing and touring. These prayers have been answered for years. Thanks John for caring about your fans. I know that this is very important to you. You never disappoint your true fans.
Certified Mellenhead
Posts: 534
Re: meg's 50th party with john
Reply #14 on:
November 25, 2011, 12:22:13 pm »
I have been reading them again after a few months of not readidng then and now I laugh out loud
uh huh.
Nicely said Dusty. IMO he is better on stage performing and artistically then he has ever been and he looks great! The three piece suits and hair, hubba hubba.
You never disappoint your true fans
Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 12:29:00 pm by Mellenfan71
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