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MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Mellencamp.com Blog / Re: R.O.C.K. in the USA? You better believe it! By Michele Berke
on: February 24, 2011, 05:54:34 pm
This story and the pictures gave me goosebumps. I know you know how lucky you are. My dream is just to meet him one time. I have met the entire current band 3 times and the entire time in the meet & greet all I could think of .... these band members are major part of his life. As much as Family... Wow....! Thank you for sharing, I save some time every day to dream. In fact, I heard Save Some Time to Dream on the radio in the local grocery store at noon today and it brought a tear to my eye. First of all, I was over joyed that is playing for the whole store to hear..... But also..... That song is an anthem to all Mankind. Remember, he thought some of his ideas were silly, but look at him now. He is just an amazing human being. He touches my soul.
MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: John on A&E Sunday, New Orleans Jazz Fest Appearance Announced
on: January 23, 2011, 07:38:42 pm
Lynn Hoffman has a clue. She didn't ask anything about his personal life, nor did she bring up his smoking. It was all about his music and songwriting and the NBTT tour. It was like she pulled at his creative heartstrings of his career and he didn't hesitate to talk about them. IMHO, I think he gets frustrated when people care more about everything else about him.... BUT his music. All you want to do is throw his lyrics at them and tell them to read them when you hear those nonsense questions in his inteviews ....What I enjoyed the most was just how much fun Lynn was having with him..... face to face....! I wished I was her the entire hour I watched this show.... Yes, he is a modest little bastard but that is why we love him so. Sure John, Lynn really wanted you to take off your shirt just like all of us did. And when he thinks some people think that he may be the devil!? Priceless. I also get a kick out of him when he uses the words...."Million" and "It never dawned on me". I love the hillbilly in him yet he can be so tough. OK, what's not to like? Ha I could go on and on.....
MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ask Mellencamp.com / Re: Why has john never released a live album?
on: December 05, 2010, 12:14:10 pm
I hope a Live DVD comes out of this tour. I have a collection of many artists that have done this, and I cherish each and everyone of them. John has mentioned in the past that he feels he could never capture his true performance on tape, but he is wrong, because He can! If he only knew how many of us would be so happy if he would release a live performance on DVD and album. Hopefully he is listening.....Somewhere, somehow. I was at one of the Minneapolis shows and now I bought Premium Tickets this week for the Ames Iowa show, because we just need to see this whole performance once again. It tells the story of John Mellencamp, this tour is the story of him. We both agreed that this is the best tour of his career. He is having the time of his life and it shows. John lets see your smile and the perfectionist professionalism of you and that of your kickbutt band. We need you to record one live show before April 29th........Please!? You are the only singer/songwriter that I don't have in my collection and you are by far, my favorite. It's not right.....
I don't know if he ever reads any of this community board, But, I am sure that word can get back to him if we all beg enough.
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: The Grammy's are a joke
on: December 02, 2010, 06:31:08 pm
I agree, you will too, if you look at "some" who were nominated. John is right - He always says...."It's not Cool to like John Mellencamp" and "The record Companies are all about the almighty dollar" He earned nominations on his latest 2 albums but the industry ignored him once again even with Tbone Burnett in the picture. I haven't watched the Grammys for years. I have a feeling even though Tom Petty and Neil Young were nominated they will not get awarded the Grammys. It's too bad really, it caters to the popular vote. What most kids are listening to these days is noise that I can't quite comprehend. It's not Music. It's all fabricated and over produced. It is a very sad thing that our children's kids have only this to refer to as Music where we were lucky enough to grow up with the true singer/songwriter artists. I was quite bummed about it all this morning because I wanted him to at least get a nod of some sort. But as the hours of the day passed I realized I was hoping for a long shot because I just had a feeling way before they were announced that he was not going to get recognized, again.............so why get my hopes up that he might have? It still is not right. But the Grammy's lost it's true luster long ago.
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Minneapolis, MN (1st Show) / Re: I am so excited for tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on: November 24, 2010, 05:15:20 pm
So that is who that girl might be that ended up on stage. We saw that she was giving John his water breaks last night, then all of a sudden she was in row 1 of the pit on the left hand side and he picked her to dance with him. So young and innocent. I was really hoping it was one of you 3 on the right side of row one of the pit. I was rooting for my fellow MN gals! What a night! I took my brother and his wife to their first Mellencamp concert and we scored row A seats. They were center front row right behind the pit. My brother has never been a Mellenhead so to speak, because he always teased me that John's songs all sound the same. (I bark back and say.....So does Petty, Stones and Dylan's, his icons.... He is 4 years older than me).... I will tell you. when we left the venue to walk to our Hotel room that was 9 blocks away in the bitter cold, all he could talk about was how great the band was and how professional John is and what a story telling heart felt show! He will be converted to a Mellenhead sooner than later..... It can't be avoided. And he thinks that I won't be able to score tickets like this again. I just smiled at him. I have done it so many times, I will do it again! John is worth being that close and center to him even though I don't think there is a bad seat in the Orpheum Theater. I absolutely love Theater Tours. It's been since 1997 since his last one. It was well worth the wait. I encourage all of you, if you want to see a "Show" from a Singer, Songwriter Rocker, with a top notch band that takes so much pride into their work, this is the tour to find a show to attend. I too am still on cloud nine from last night, in fact I couldn't sleep last night, because I was rehashing the entire storyline and songs in my head into the wee hours of the night. It made for a very long workday, but I survived. We are thinking about checking out tickets for the Ames Iowa concert in April because I want to see if I missed anything last night. I was so aware of everything and everyone that was going on onstage,.....but for some reason my eyes and heart kept following John and his every move. That man can sure dance! I giggle everytime when he starts to peel off his layers of clothing as the nights progresses and the women all love it. HA.
Thanks for posting the comments from the Star Tribune. I read them, before I read the writer's take on a performance in this particular newspaper. I too, have learned a lesson from this guy. I still don't quite understand what he expects from someone like John and his 30 plus year career? It makes the mind a bit weary. But then again not to judge, Music reaches each of our souls a different way.
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Minneapolis, MN (1st Show) / Re: Minneapolis Review
on: November 23, 2010, 01:54:16 pm
I am a MN gal, getting ready to leave for Minnepolis. Please do not listen to these guys. They expected an arena concert. That is because they did not do their homework. Enough said. In fact, one of the writers apologized in the comments that he should have had his morning coffee first because a lot of people who were there last night, got a little upset with his review. If you want to read the comments, Click the Star Tribune, Entertainment, then read the comments. These comments, well most.....are from the fans and the people who were there to see JM perform, these are the reviews you need to read.....and the ones to listen to.
MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Mellencamp.com Blog / Re: Setlist Change in South Bend
on: November 14, 2010, 07:29:10 pm
Interesting...... !!!!! I love them both, but I must say, What if I come Knockin......is a great addition to the set list even if Human Wheels had to be replaced. I've heard Human Wheels more live than What if I come Knockin..... And John is singing to some chick when he sings this song. We all know who that someone is, even though we all wish it was all of us instead. Maybe it is?
Thinking about you. (?) Shall we wish this melody of life to get back on the set list too? Just add it. Do not replace it. I am still begging.........
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: John and Meg Ryan go for a stroll in NYC
on: October 24, 2010, 12:12:27 pm
Thank you Sharonc, you always seem to be able to calm us, especially the ones who may think these photos are a bit weird. Glad to hear JM is working on a project. Always good news. Of course we are ever so lucky that he likes to keep working. Keep your promise and keep us posted so our minds do not wander in wild wonder.
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