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61  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Grandmothers Song on: September 14, 2011, 04:52:50 pm
I could have quoted my feelings about all this a different way but I was just using some of JM's words instead of saying anything offensive.
62  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Re: Farm Aid on: September 14, 2011, 12:33:19 pm
Why have we not seen any videos from John's performance from Farm Aid as promised?
Are we waiting for closer to the Fall Tour before someone will post them?
We got the audio but I need to See Him!
63  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Grandmothers Song on: September 13, 2011, 07:57:26 pm
It takes 2.  Life is short even in it's longest days.  I read your posts like it is all his mistakes. 
I have hard time believing that.  Don't be calling no minister, He don't need no preacher around. Grandma Laura is looking out for him. Many are going to agree to disagree with you.
Hurting by troubled relationships are a part of life for many unfortunately.  It sometimes is not a choice. 
64  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: VH1 rebroadcast of 9/11 commemorative concert on: September 13, 2011, 05:28:45 pm
You can purchase this DVD.  I did as soon as it was available in 2001.  I still watched it on Sunday on VH1.  His perfomances were the core of his heart and soul.  I remember how scared our nation was when this aired.  But we prevailed and we always will. Please let us never forget.
65  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Download John's Farm Aid Set on: August 18, 2011, 08:32:00 pm
OK, the band is great and so is John.  I love his new take every year on every one of his songs.  But you are right regarding his SLUR....... He sounds... (for us older folks you will understand) like Jimmy Durante.  I love it.  It is him being him.  He changes his style, and we go along for the ride no matter what.  That is what we love about him!
66  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Meg and John in Cancun on: May 08, 2011, 07:00:33 pm
My man is 61 and I am 49.  He feels the exact same way as JM does and his body is very similar to John's.  He doesn't take his shirt off in public either.  I think both are sexy tho....but........ I won't prance around in a swim suit like Meg does.  I haven't been in a swimsuit in years.  I don't want to.  They don't fit me right. My man did say that JM should invest in some larger Tshirts.  I did giggle at that statement.  I noticed his shirt in Ames Iowa, it looked like his buttons were going to pop, and he knew it.  He unbuttoned it sooner than later after his suitcoat came off after John Cockers.....  Which made all of us women in the pit very happy.  Tee Hee. 

67  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Re: Ames Show 4/28/11 on: April 29, 2011, 07:38:31 pm
We were there!  Row C, one row ahead of you in the pit.  I agree, it's not easy taking pictures without a flash but I commend you for abiding by that respectful rule.  I took many pictures too, some were good and some not so good.  I will post later, if I figure how to.  (Very old School).  Loved that he closed it with Hurt so Good, even though I am very fond and deeply missed his newer stuff he played earlier in the legs.., .... Right Behind Me .... Easter Eve ..... & No Bettert than This .... 

What a show though!, it is simply amazing how this man comes out and gives it his all, song after song without a break.... Man; us older folks in the audience sure could have used a few seconds to breath!  Ha!  John Cockers is simply amazing when he performs it live.  So much conviction!  Reminds me of how he sang "Stones in my Passway" many times live a few years ago.  The light show is perfection.  Many of my photos tell that tale.  (I sure hope I figure out how to post them so all you can see!)  (Remind you all.. No flash either!)  We had quite the belly laugh after the show... We were 2 of 4 standing by the fence waiting to see a glimpse of JM not on stage by gandering at his Airstream surrounded by a private canopy..... A young lady came up to us, and asked us "What's the Plan?"  I swear she looked like a grand girl of his.  We just smiled at her, told her we really don't have any plans.... and then she walked away and got on one of the tour buses.  I wonder who she thought us 2 Minnesotans were?  Never did see JM, kinda wondering if he runs to his haven before the crowd exits the venue?  But we did see many of the band members load up and get on the bus.  We just admired them from much as we admired the warm spring air and actually feeling the smiles on our faces after that magnificant show!  You guys overseas are in for quite a treat.  You will cherish these moments forever!  He aims to please and never disappoints. We are so lucky to be his fans because he plays for us.  Thank you John.  We mean that from the bottom of our hearts and souls......  Life is grand.
68  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Re: Change in Set List Conexus Arts Centre in Regina 4/23 on: April 24, 2011, 02:37:23 pm
Please put Right Behind Me........Back into the setlist.  And Leave Easter Eve there too!  You did both in November!  This is your best album yet John, don't take the fan favorites out.
Your stories about the devil, never get old.  Ever!  They are so comical.  I love your banter before, during and after Right behind Me....Your musicians shine on the song, just like when you let the band shine performing Easter Eve when you are not in the spotlight. (Even though you always are in my eyes....)  Ames is your last  U.S. Theater Concert on this leg..... Sing and dance to both ............Please!?  Both songs are such a joy to watch you and your tight band perform...It don't get no better than this.......!  See you in Omaha and Ames,.... in a few days.....Yippee!  We are your die hard fans in the 3rd row orchestra pit....this week! 
69  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Saskatoon, SK / Re: Saskatoon Review on: April 20, 2011, 06:36:47 pm
I agree   Angry

Some people have no respect.  Not only for John but for the others that don't do or want to hear you and your moronic hollering and whistling.  Shut the eff up.
70  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Download Radio City Show on: April 15, 2011, 03:04:56 pm
The first download we can not download due to it is too big, you need to purchase a membership.  Although, I can download the second link. 

71  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Los Angeles, CA / Re: Variety Review on: April 14, 2011, 01:09:59 pm
I absolutely love the new country arrangement of "Jack and Diane" and the band and John (Especially) look like they are having fun playing it too.  He has rearranged this song too many times to count, and as a fan for 35 years, I love it. I am so glad that he is mixing up the oldies but goodies. You can't please everyone, but no matter what you will have the critics and the people who do not keep up with what was to expect from these concerts... They will always find something to complain about.  Too bad there are people like that but there are many....  What...........?  They don't read up before they attend?  Seems very odd.  I went to see him in Minneapolis in November and luckily can attend in Ames later this month.  I can't wait to see this entire show again.  It was so worth every single penny spent and I bought the Premium Seats for both shows.  Not that I could afford it, but I sacraficed something else so that I could.  This entire show has a beginning, Middle and End to his story.  It is purely fascinating how he puts this all together for this show.  I too hope (from many of the other posts, maybe not on this thread) that the drunks and the ones that need to yell out requests when he is just stay away.  But that is wishful thinking.  I can't imagine doing either..........So disprespectful to an artist such as him.  And just because you yell it out, do you think John Mellencamp is going to change his show for you?
Read up what this leg is all about, and if you don't like it.......Stay home.  Do not wreck it for the rest of us. 

72  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: John and Meg Hit Santa Monica on: April 08, 2011, 06:15:23 pm
Lucky Meg......That is all that ever needs to be said about her and John.   Wink
73  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Blog / Re: Set Lists 3rd Leg No Better Than This Tour on: April 04, 2011, 07:01:55 pm
I and many die hard fans are going to miss Easter Eve.  It's just a great song for all of us.
He didn't do John Cockers on the 1st leg like he did on the 2nd leg.  Sure wish he didn't knock it off the list.  This song is sung with so much conviction by him.  I am going to be attending the Ames concert.  Also, Deep Blue Heart, needs a woman backup singer otherwise it's just not the same......At least he is continuing performing....Right Behind Me.  That is so entertaining.  It makes you smile from start to finish.  That song is so true.
74  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: What's John's best selling album to date? on: March 08, 2011, 09:58:46 pm
I love what he said on.... VH1 Behind the Music. "NA NA NA NA NA," while holding the album cover to "Cover his face" and swaying left to right, right to left......... when he was trying to visually portray to the viewer how they all felt, when American Fool made it big,

He was here to stay. Without this Album who knows if all of us Mellenchicks would have and still get to...... see him Dance time after time?
What a blessing.
75  NON-JOHN DISCUSSION / Music You Like / Re: Bruce Springsteen on: March 08, 2011, 09:50:14 pm
There is absolutely NO comparison regarding John and Bruce.  John is a prophet and Bruce can't sing.  I know many Mellenheads agree with me. 
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