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Topic: Tears in Vain (Read 27670 times)
Mellencamp Community Member
Posts: 3
Tears in Vain
August 22, 2014, 12:15:04 pm »
I was not going to post this but given the prevailing sentiment on this board that John left his family for Meg Ryan I have decided to now to clear the air. There is a song on Plain Spoken called Tears in Vain. The song is clearly written about John's breakup with Elaine and it suggests that she cheated on him, not the other way around. My wife agreed with me on this when I played the song for her. The second verse tells the tale. The complete lyrics to this song are below. You can make your own judgement. This information has to get out there so that John does not get his name smeared any longer.
Snow falling on a canebreak
Please stop howling at the moon
I got stones in my bed
Stones left there by you
Tears in vain I’m crying
Tears in vain over you
Guess I should know better than
To cry these tears in vain
Guess I could ask myself why now
As if there’s some answer known
I just sit here by myself
As you meet your friend down the road
Tears in vain I’m crying
Tears in vain over you
Guess I should know better than
To cry these tears in vain
I might write you a poem
And put it up there on the wall
I’ll re-write it until you return it to me
Tears in vain I’m crying
Tears in vain over you
Guess I should know better than
To cry these tears in vain
Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 12:18:10 pm by PlainSpoken
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 120
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #1 on:
August 22, 2014, 03:32:37 pm »
....Until you walk in another man's shoes.....
I can not wait to hear this entire album. There will be many clues but no truths that we may or may not know about him. That is what makes his music wash away the dust of my everyday life. When I need something it is always his song. Thank you John for writing, singing and dancing. So lucky to have you in our lives.
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 112
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #2 on:
August 22, 2014, 06:56:13 pm »
Thanks for posting these lyrics, i've always believed John's cheating ways ended when he met and married Elaine. I know i'm in the minority, but i wish John and Meg Ryan hadn't broken up, love them both as artists and as people, and wish them both the best of luck.
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 185
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #3 on:
August 23, 2014, 11:51:31 am »
@ plain spoken - nowhere do i see elaine mentioned in the song. you are making a real big statement here that is preferably in your own mind. looking back on johns history with women, speaks more of the truth. me personally i believe john did cheat on elaine and dumped his marriage/family life for meg. as far as "long distance" naw i dont think so. same thing happen to meg. so what goes around comes around. ever since they got together there has been publicity all over the internet about her. well she got what she wanted, but she cant have what doesnt belong to her.
its sad. elaine was a good wife, mother and one classy lady. i really believe that when she said her marriage vows she meant them. its so sad and stupid on johns part that he never gave elaine that chance to fulfill them. but hey thats johns style. and i wouldnt doubt it if there is already another one he has, and oh yeah theyre quietly dating and all that bs.
and i kept telling everyone here, what was gona happen, all i got was back lash. well now folks what do you think?
yeah i know im gona get rotten apples thrown at me. but it dont take away what i have been saying the last 3 years.
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 120
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #4 on:
August 23, 2014, 12:46:59 pm »
Who is making a real big statement here that is preferably in their own mind? No one really knows.....Love & Happiness
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 185
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #5 on:
August 25, 2014, 09:48:23 pm »
@ dusty947 - its my suggestion john stay away from women for awhile (if he doesnt have one already lined up or freinds with benefits) and go see a counselor.
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 112
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #6 on:
August 26, 2014, 06:13:20 am »
Quote from: geegee on August 25, 2014, 09:48:23 pm
@ dusty947 - its my suggestion john stay away from women for awhile (if he doesnt have one already lined up or freinds with benefits) and go see a counselor.
I have a much better suggestion, you go see a counselor, because it's been obvious for a while that you desperately need one.
One of the Crazy Ones...
Posts: 407
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #7 on:
August 26, 2014, 07:08:50 am »
I really don't believe Elaine is the cheating type, plus John doesn't have the best track record. Even when he performs "Small Town" he blames himself. Anyway, I always thought John and Meg were odd together and sooner or later they realize that too. So all we can do is wish John the best.
I'm still a big fan and I look forward to John's new rock or not so rock album. I already preordered it so I'm just waiting. Best of luck!
Mellencamp Community Member
Posts: 9
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #8 on:
September 10, 2014, 11:55:19 pm »
I don't know about all the rest of this stuff (and neither does anyone else posting here know for sure), but I sure do like his music............that I know for sure.
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 120
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #9 on:
September 26, 2014, 09:43:14 am »
"makes his music wash away the dust of my everyday life. When I need something it is always his song. "
Well it....!
Everytime I hear the song "Killing Me Softly With His Song" (or whatever it's titled) I think of John because that is what his songs do to a good way....they tear at my heart, they bring joy to my soul, they make me FEEL.....washing away the dust....
-somedays I still don't know what to do-
Mary in Michigan
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 120
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #10 on:
September 26, 2014, 10:29:05 am »
Holy Crap!!!
"Killing Me Softly With His Song" just came on the radio!!!
That's kind of a creapy Mellenmoment!!!
-somedays I still don't know what to do-
Mary in Michigan
Certified Mellenhead
Posts: 534
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #11 on:
October 10, 2014, 04:55:50 pm »
Quote from: stinco on September 10, 2014, 11:55:19 pm
I don't know about all the rest of this stuff (and neither does anyone else posting here know for sure), but I sure do like his music............that I know for sure.
well, going by what he said about Meg in the press and on TV a couple weeks ago....; he still loves her wheather they are together or not ..and said she helped him, I have some problem with some stuff JM says(hes too sensitive to see trash or poor people(?),) But he said some lovely things about her.
They look to be still friends. So she cant be THAT bad and evil as some make her out to be on this board. lol In fact, she has
commented or talked about John to the press. Ever.
Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 08:38:29 pm by Mellenfan71
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 112
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #12 on:
October 10, 2014, 08:56:43 pm »
I'd like to see John and Meg get back together, they should also star in a movie together.
Mellencamp Community Member
Posts: 6
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #13 on:
October 28, 2014, 05:09:40 pm »
Perfect song except for the sha-la-la-la part. I cringe every time.
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 112
Re: Tears in Vain
Reply #14 on:
October 29, 2014, 07:09:48 am »
Quote from: peteboiler on October 28, 2014, 05:09:40 pm
Perfect song except for the sha-la-la-la part. I cringe every time.
If i'm not mistaken it lasts all of five seconds, and is never repeated again, not exactly Hey Jude.
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