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MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ticket & Tour Questions / Re: Canada summer 2012 Premium tix no seat locations
on: March 28, 2012, 08:43:51 am
Thanks Tony, figured you are here today. I appreciate your response.
This system, however, has kept me from buying tix to to at least one or two other shows. I would have already bought Moncton if it was the old way; so from a business point of view it might not be advantageous. You did just "lose" a sale or two of premium tix. Something to consider in the future.
And, yes, I am a bit of a seat "snob" but that comes from 35 years of going to concerts...(that's a good thing!)
And thanks to you and Sharon for all your work on this site, greatly appreciated
MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ticket & Tour Questions / Canada summer 2012 Premium tix no seat locations
on: March 28, 2012, 08:30:54 am
Slightly bummed out, shuffled my schedule to buy tix at 9am for PEI, new "premium" vendor does not show you where you're seats are.....unlike all of last legs.
I spending alot of money and going very far (from PA) to see the show (not complaining, my decision) but I do not like not knowing where my seats will be. If I am put in the 9th row way off to one side I will be disappointed.
I was going to but tix for Moncton and/or Sydney, but I am not willing to spend the money unless I am sure where I am sitting
just my 2 cents (or $450.00) I believe doing will call is enough to prevent scalping without keeping this information from us
Still very happy JM is touring!
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Fall US tour?????
on: July 02, 2011, 11:24:53 am
Reading the latest issue of Rolling Stone (Katy Perry on cover) and the flip side is a guide to Summer Rock and Festivals.....and one of the "blocks" listing upcoming tours is "John Mellencamp: Fall, tickets TBD" the text below is the usual show description stuff, with his quote about "I'm not gonna become a human jukebox"
SO!!! has anyone else heard rumblings about him returning to the states in the fall???
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: 92Y Review
on: March 29, 2011, 05:34:53 pm
This fan was there, took the train up from Philly, got home about 1:45am, had to be at work at 7, been busy at work all day so sorry I have not had time to post. Was pretty good but nothing earth shattering, don't be disappointed you missed it. Will try to elaborate later tonight or tomorrow
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Re: Ft. Lauderdale Concert......WTF....
on: March 09, 2011, 04:05:17 pm
Dear Mr Disappointed, here might be why you were:
Clue #1) you still use "Cougar"?! he gave that up, umm, 25 years ago? Clue #2) your favorite song is "Jackie" and Diane? who is Jackie? Clue #3) you want to "rekindle" your childhood. Umm look in the mirror. Not happening. Clue #4) "We wanted to hear the hits" It has been made crystal clear that this was not what this tour is about.
Anyone who goes to concerts (that aren't in a casino) knows that that the performer is goiing to play a bunch of thier newest album. So what you do is listen to it first, and if you don't like it, don't go. Simple as that.
And god bless your grandfather and thank him for me as I am a Ford man. But Ford did not lasso him and tie him to the asembly line; he asked them for a job, and they gave him one. It was HIS CHOICE to stay there 30 years. He could've picked up a guitar when he was young like JM did, but he didn't. HIS choice. Your rationale that your grandfather did his same old same old job for 30 years so John should do the same old same old for you is very strange.
Needless to say I thought the show was incredible, and was exactly what I expected as I did my research. I also realize that you are not alone in your feelings as I spoke to some like you after the 3 shows that I attended.
My advice: save your money on concert tickets and just keep listening to your Johnny Cougar cassettes. I am glad John's music touched you in some way, even if it was while Reagan was president.
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Philadelphia, PA / Videos from Philadelphia show Feb 21, 2011
on: February 22, 2011, 09:46:08 pm
I posted links to a bunch of videos from the Philly show in the Videos and Audio topic; or go to the NYC child board, follow a link, and look at the rest of my videos to see the Philly ones, there are 8 of them, from the front row! What a great, great nite of great music. Pretty much rock and roll nirvana for me. The girl who got pulled up on stage, both she and her friend are real big fans, they know all the words including everything from the NBTT and LDLF; so it was great to hang with people that are as big of fans as I am. I have to see this show again...hmmmm Atlanta, Columbia, Denver, San Fran, where should I go???
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / New York City, NY / Videos from Radio City Friday Feb 18 show
on: February 21, 2011, 01:27:06 pm
Well I for one LOVED the show, and am going again in Philly tonite, here are some of my videos from the show. As always I apologize for not having the entire song, but as much as I want a video to remember the show by I can't bring myself to be a cameraman the entire song, I want to put the camera down and just ENJOY the moment. Apparently the girl who gets up on stage is known to you here as I saw Sharon say something to her after the show. Anyway... remember these are all just clips, no full songs, sorry  John Cockers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3g4TFkENNgCherry Bomb: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKOvNdlRtS8Don't Need this Body: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5AGUSNSB48Small Town: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RBj3mH3f-UPaper In Fire: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7xG4yjV7hQThe Real Life: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44LHdD0TkOoIf I Die Sudden: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Lp4LqN5bYEAnd the one starring one of or own, and Speck Mellencamp, ROCK in the USA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjCuAcAxuxAHope you enjoy! thanks, Ed
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / New York City, NY / Re: Going to New York City?
on: February 18, 2011, 09:40:28 am
i am catching Amtrak at noon today to head up to the big apple......got 3rd row pit although I am in a bit of physical pain I am sure I will forget all about it tonight  hope to see some one around town that is going, I'll be sporting some Mellenwear and on the lookout for others....
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Philadelphia, PA / Re: Going to Philadelphia?
on: February 18, 2011, 09:30:24 am
I will be there Monday night, as well as tonight at RCMH in NYC! I am oh-so-psyched. Oh i did not redeem my free download of NBTT for two reasons; one is I had already bought the cd, the other is you cannot possibly upgrade me at the Philly show (unless you want to send me backstage)!!! Philly will be my third show of the tour.
If anyone out there is meeting up somewhere before the show please post, we will be downtown early for a snack and adult beverages.
See you there!!!!!!
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