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 on: September 21, 2021, 08:38:26 am 
Started by ds2347568959 - Last post by TonyBClubManager
That's Andy York. He joined the band for the 1994 Dance Naked record and has been on that side of the stage ever since.

 on: September 18, 2021, 11:37:51 am 
Started by ds2347568959 - Last post by ds2347568959
Who is the lead guitarist standing next to violinist in the 2016 Live Aid Concert?  Here is video

 on: September 16, 2021, 05:27:49 pm 
Started by williehagfan1 - Last post by williehagfan1
Dear John: I hope you have time to read this. Thank you so much for the release of "The Good Samaritan Tour 2000". I had to have both the CD and DVD. They are fantastic! They mean so much to me because I was not fortunate enough to be in attendance at any of the stops made on the Tour. I do live about 52 miles south of Pittsburgh, PA, but had no idea that you were going to be at Market Square. Back in 2000 we didn't have a computer and I was never one to have the radio on all of the time, so I hadn't heard anything about you playing Market Square.

The DVD is great, giving me an idea how it would have been for the people lucky enough to see you on the Tour. John, you're one of the greatest of all time. Many people don't realize what a giving person you are. The Awards you've received in the past few years are well deserved. In the DVD I also liked the part where you pretty much show how things in our country haven't changed since the '60's.

The CD is a great "live" CD for the obvious reasons of your talent, but for me, I really enjoyed listening to the "live" versions of songs that I've never heard you do, but they are songs that I have loved all of my life, also.

Again, thanks so much John, for putting this out for our enjoyment. Every John Mellencamp fan should have both the DVD and CD!

 on: June 16, 2021, 03:58:07 pm 
Started by beanienutz - Last post by beanienutz
When will you play in Bloomington again Huh Its been a long time John ! way too long 😭
Please !! 💜💜💜

 on: June 08, 2021, 10:48:06 am 
Started by kmcdok - Last post by kmcdok
Hi. My family and I visited Seymour in the late 1990's or early 2000's to scope out some of John's hometown and things from his life and music. We visited (what I thought was referred to as) "the little red barn", which had several of John's paintings in it. I'm pretty sure the barn loft was the location for the filming of the jukebox/dance scene from the Cherry Bomb video. But my memory fails me frequently Smiley

Do I have this right? Is/was there a little red barn in Seymour that has/had some of his art in it? Anyone have details of this place?


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