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Author Topic: The First Time  (Read 8192 times)
Authority Fighter
Posts: 91

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« on: October 18, 2011, 11:07:17 am »

Back in the early 80's I was working with a christian tv broadcasting station and a christian rock music station where we had an outreach program for the young people.  At that time I was lets say I went from one extreme of hippy music to the christian music because I thought at that time in my life it wasn't good to listen to what they call "secular music."    But when I met my boyfreind (who I was going to marry passed away Christmas of 1995) turned me back around.  I had gotten rid of all of my hippy music and was comsumed with the other.  But my boyfreind had a better idea.  "How bout some balance here?" and I went for it.  I had been so out of touch with rock music my boyfreind introduced me to MTV and vh1.  Watching these clips I saw Tom Petty singing the "The Waiting."  It was love at first listening.  Still is.  Then when I saw John, I said "who the heck is this guy?"  Tell the truth I didn't like him at all.  I thought he was a Mick Jagger/Father of Soul wana be the way John was going up and down the stage.  I was sick of the "Jack & Diane" and "Hurt So Good" and "Small Town."  I turned John off everytime.  What made it even worse is when I found out he was married to a model?  Elaine Irwin?  Oh Lord I told my boyfreind "noooooooooooooo way."  Course he would just laugh.

Fast forward to the 2000's, no kidding, I was driving down the old country farm highway home from the Indian casino I go to on  occasion.  And the long version of "I Need a Lover" played.  I was hooked on that song.  They mentioned John Mellencamp.  I'm going who the heck is that?  When they mentioned John Couger as the original name I said "no way, it couldn't be."  Sure as heck was.  So I went to the record store and got the tape.  I listened to the whole tape and saw a few videos on You Tube.  Wow was all I could say and he became  one of my favorites.

As far as my hippy collection (well back in the 70's I was half cowgirl/half hippy  I used to own  horses) today?  Got most of the music back.  Won't get stuck on being stupid again and get rid of them all.  My generation is too pricless.

keep the faith / peace & love

God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
One of the Crazy Ones...
Posts: 407

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« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2011, 12:44:44 pm »

nice story. One day I will have to share mine.
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