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Author Topic: Touched my life  (Read 9754 times)
Mellencamp Community Member
Posts: 1

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« on: August 20, 2010, 01:55:45 pm »

I am from Columbus, IN. I went to highschool in Brown County, IN, college at I.U.. I lived in Seymour for awhile as well. In 1997 I moved to Michigan with my fiance and daughter. In 1998 I was involved in a horrible car wreck. I broke: all the bones in my forehead, my jaw, left arm, shoulder, ribs, leg, knee, crushed my pelvis, broke my back and tailbone. I spent 45 days in Ann Arbor Hospital, 2 weeks in a coma. I had to learn how to eat again, walk, talk, drive, etc. At first they expected me to die............then never regain conciousness, never talk, walk, etc. I proved them all wrong! During all my rehabilitation John's music was one thing that I did remember! I have a TBI-traumatic brain injury and am disabled due to this.  My memory may not always be what it used to be, but all during my stay in the was his music that I always remembered and enjoyed.  I have always owned all his music and he has always been my favorite performer. I moved to  Georgia with my fiance and daughter. My fiance could not live  with me as I am now "damaged".  My daughter is now in nursing school at Gordon College...I work part time as allowed. I HATE Georgia and I always have. If I can ever raise the money to come back to Indiana and all my family I will. My daughter's father is dead, and it is just the 2 of us here. My fiance never married me, and he left me and took all things with him. These are rough times for everyone.......especially if you are single, disabled and putting your child thru college, but I always save enough to purchase John's albums. He music is an inspiration to me and always makes me smile! Thank you John, keep it up!!! Maybe one day I'll get home to Indiana to see one of your concerts again.
Experienced Mellenhead
Posts: 22

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« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2010, 09:47:45 pm »

Thanks for sharing your story - it is a powerful example of resilience and of the role that John's music has had in so many of our lives. Here's hoping you get back home, and that you get to see him in concert again.
Experienced Mellenhead
Posts: 27

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« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2010, 09:41:33 am »

Wow, that is an incredible story of perseverance and is really a powerful example of how John's music can touch people in so many ways.

If you ever make it back to Indiana, be sure and let us know!  I'm sure there are a few of us that would love to meet you!

Try to keep your mind open
And accept your mistakes
Save some time for living
And always question your faith

Could it be that this is all there is?
Could it be there's nothing more at all?
Save some time to dream
'Cause your dream could save us all - JM
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