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This Is Why I Love John Mellencamp
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Topic: This Is Why I Love John Mellencamp (Read 13563 times)
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 123
This Is Why I Love John Mellencamp
July 10, 2015, 12:37:03 am »
Hello there, thanks for reading this.
I know John Mellencamp will never read this himself- he's a busy man and he's got better things to do. But, I just feel like sharing what I have to say anyways... because it wouldn't hurt!
John, how should I begin this? Do I start with how much of an unbelievable painter you are? Do I start with how sweet and gracious of a humanitarian you are? Or should I start with your music- the music that has touched hearts all across America and even the world? Yes, John, your music is more than just a simple melody to dance to. When I first heard your songs, I felt such a profound attachment to them and I found myself seeking further and further into the messages and themes deep down inside them. Needless to say, listening to your music became a regular routine for me and I became addicted to you as a person as well. Finally, I found somebody whom I can relate so strongly to. Finally, I found a musician who had a song and message for every single circumstance in my life. And FINALLY... I felt complete. Listen, John, you have taken away nearly all of the pain in my life. You have helped me move on from some awful moments and you even helped me get back on track. I feel like a totally new person after discovering you and your music. I have to sincerely thank you for that- because sometimes your music was the only thing there for me when I truly needed help the most. Thank you, John. I wish there was much more than I can do as a 16 year old girl than simply thank you over such a little message like this.
Which I must say, being such a young fan of yours, John, I can't always connect to your songs in the ways that you intend them to be. For example, your new song, "Troubled Man", is completely and utterly incredible song speaking out to those folks near your age. I'm a teenager- yes I grew up in the Midwest and yes I have endured some hard times already- but it's nothing that I can compare of to an older person with much more experience and wisdom than practically anyone of my generation. But to the best of my ability, I try to think of your songs in a different perspective and I try to interpret them in a way that I would understand... and then I share them with other kids my age. I have to admit (maybe this is because I'm an old soul) but not a lot of kids really take your music to heart in the way that I do. They don't really understand it; they don't really feel it. That's pretty self-explanatory... but I do want to let you know that there ARE in fact people of the younger generations listening to your music and loving it! When I am older I will certainly pass down your beautiful music to the next generation and so on. Because your messages need to be heard.
Also, I would like to say that I DID see you live for the first time last month on your Plain Spoken tour. It was June 10th, 2015 at the Detroit Opera House. I managed to sneak my way up into the front row with my tiny little frame and I was directly IN FRONT of your microphone. It was the PERFECT spot in the whole house!!! And you touched my hands not only once, not twice, but THREE times! You even spoke to me, winked at me numerous times, and a gave me a few smiles I'll never forget. NEVER would I have dreamed of a night like that. Here I was, standing a few feet away from my total heartthrob, John Mellencamp, and he TOUCHED MY HAND? Just the thought spiralled me into a frenzy!!! So thank you AGAIN, John, for making that night the best night I could ever have. Can I just say a few words? You probably hear this a lot, but how many other ways can I say...
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Thank you John and keep going at it! Please come back to Michigan and Detroit!!!
I'm 19 years old and proud to be a hardcore John Mellencamp fan. - Brianna Hojnacki
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