John Mellencamp Community
February 07, 2025, 01:44:06 pm
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NON-JOHN DISCUSSION / Music You Like / Bob Seger releases a new album
on: November 18, 2017, 12:02:55 pm
"I Knew You When" is the title of Bob Seger's new album. It sounds absolutely fantastic! There is so much great music on this new album. If you love good solid rock, have a listen to it. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Mellencamp delivered the goods in Vancouver
on: July 20, 2015, 12:58:33 am
🎵OH YEAH LIFE GOES ON, LONG AFTER THE THRILL OF LIVING IS GONE🎵 That was a little ditty about "Jack & Diane". That was a highlight among many. "Isolation Of Mister" from the new album "Plain Spoken", stood out as one of those many highlights among John's classics.
John and his band put on an awesome show in Vancouver on Saturday! I enjoyed every minute of it. (especially dancing with all the pretty women) John gave the audience what was needed to make it "Hurt So Good". (although that was one song he didn't play)
Carlene Carter did a fantastic job warming up the crowd. With just a guitar and piano, she had the crowd hooked from the first note.
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