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MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: NY 92 Y John Mellencamp with Allen Grubman
on: June 01, 2013, 06:56:57 am
Is there any other way to post a question for this event. Seems like you have to be on Facebook to do it through the 92nd St site. Last time they handed out index cards early on then collected them during the discussion and a few were read towards the end. Several weeks back I formulated a couple of questions - and there aren't very many on the 92nd St site so far. Thanks for any help.
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Video & Audio / Re: JM on Howard Stern 11-29-01
on: May 24, 2013, 07:00:52 am
When Howard first signed on with Siriuss, back in '06, there was a short blurb about him retiring 25 years of music (or something to that effect). In this, Robin and Fred (might have been Gary) cited Mellencamp as one of the best musical guests that ever appeared on the show. It was based on this appearance and the music he and the band played that morning. I thought that said a lot knowing the musicians that have performed on the show throughout the years.
MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ask Mellencamp.com / Re: heavy drum version of jack and diane
on: June 09, 2011, 04:41:43 pm
Was this re uploaded? I clicked on the original link from April 13th and it comes up as not available. I like this version of the song as well - heard it for the 1st time at the Today Show taping on the Friday right before the 9\11 attacks in '01. It was really LOUD in the plaza and it sounded great live.
Thanks Pete
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: 92Y Review
on: March 29, 2011, 08:14:05 pm
I thought the event was pretty interesting. Here are some observations in no particular order;
Before the discussion started folks from the hall handed out blank white index type cards for audience members to write down questions they had for Mellencamp that were later collected and read by Mr Fricke towards the end of the discussion.
He played small bits of I Need A Lover, Pink Houses, Jack And Diane, The West End and Save Some Time To Dream. Tried to play Small Town but just couldn't get it going and abandoned it. All very short versions that were tied in to the conversation. The West End was the longest of the bunch.
It lasted about 90 minutes or so. A rep from 92Y spoke briefly before introducing David Fricke who then spoke about Mellencamp before introducing him to the stage.
He did repeat several things that he's talked about in the past. He dropped the F word probably about 1\2 dozen times.
A girl I was with at the show was really impressed with how insightful, thoughtful and honest he was. She jotted down several of his quotes. When I get those I'll share them along with what else I remembered.
MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ask Mellencamp.com / Re: DVD & CD OF better tour
on: March 29, 2011, 07:49:25 pm
This question (to release a live CD) came up last night at 92Y during the portion when Mr. Fricke read questions submitted from the audience. The audience member had attended one of the Radio City shows. Mellencamps response was (paraphrasing here) that during the live performance there is a connection that happens w\ the audience and that there's a vibe that' s created that only those that were in attendance would understand. He said it's kinda like the guy that tells a joke and ends with "...you had to be there." He feels that you can't recapture that same feeling in a recording of the performance, while he did acknowledge that the Radio City shows were great. There was no mention of the recent Life Death Live & Freedom CD, just the sense that he doesn't plan on releasing any live material.
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: The Grammy's are a joke
on: December 02, 2010, 11:09:00 am
Couldn't agree with you more. I remarked a few years ago that if Bruce had released LDL & f he would've been showered with Grammy nominations. Bruce is great by the way, but it's these other artists that I'm perplexed by.
Who won the Grammy the year Pink Houses was eligible?
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