Whatever the reason for the change, I am happy that certain venues were changed and am hoping that meets and greets will be added to the super expensive tickets now...
The hunter valley accommodation prices were pumped up because of the show and were generally listed as 'non refundable;', therefore many of us are out of pocket - in my case $495, then you add the changing flights $178 and the hoping that friends who were coming originally, can go now...yikes. Looks like will have to get a refund for Adelaide and Hunter Valley just cover my losses.
Will we get the option to get a refund if we are unable to attend the new dates? How does this work with the super expensive tickets [$500-$600+] I bought that I want to keep - are we guaranteed the same spots, I'd be devastated if I got worse seats? Will they reissue the tickets with the correct venues, dates, times and rows on them? How will that work with the Hunter Valley ones? I really want to finally get to see Mr Mellencamp - 3 times before I had to get a refund [due to personal illness or injury]or the show was cancelled and refunds given - please not a 4th time!
Thanks for your time and sorry for all the questions, no harm intended and I hope John is well and this was not because he is unwell. Syl