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1  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: John Mellencamp Plain Spoken 2016 Australia Tour Dates Cancelled on: March 06, 2016, 06:40:09 pm
I hope that a few of those who have posted here dissing JM for cancelling the Aussie tour are now going to apologise and show him some sympathy over the loss of his brother, Ted.

John and family, my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

The tour wasn't cancelled due to the loss of his brother.

Yes it's a sad time for him and his family no doubt. I'm sorry for his loss as many others would be.

However, when loyalty to an artist costs you financially (non refundable flights and accommodation),  you do your money cold, you have every right to expression your opinion and  disappointment. Especially when the cancellation involves poor ticket sales and promotion, nothing to do with personal issues.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

I see that the tour cancellation was removed from the John's main music facebook page. Treat Australian fans with utter contempt, like it's meaningless!!  I have been a fan for decades as I'm sure plenty others have and we shouldn't get our fingers burnt financially for our loyalty!

2  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: John Mellencamp Plain Spoken 2016 Australia Tour Dates Cancelled on: March 04, 2016, 08:51:02 am
I must also add my disappointment / comments  is not a reflection on Tony and Sharon, they're the meat in the sandwich.  Peace and Aussie Love to you both!   
3  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Announcements & Updates / Re: John Mellencamp Plain Spoken 2016 Australia Tour Dates Cancelled on: March 04, 2016, 08:40:42 am
Knew this would happen, the writing was on the wall in November.

What sucks is for people like me and other loyal fans who've forked out their hard earned $$ on flights and accommodation on interstate shows to support John.

Not only that, people like me, had to pay fees to have flights changed from Feb to June adding extra cost.

We've done our $$$ cold, refund of the ticket cost is little comfort to the hundreds of $$ we lose on supporting an artist. 

The reason for the cancellation is two fold:
1. Poorly promoted by Dainty Group
2. Overpriced Tickets (compared to 2008)

End of story!

I doubt Australians will ever get to see John perform again, unless he changes promoters and there's a review of the overpriced ticket structure.

Bitterly disappointed, given I've been a loyal fan for years!   Sad Sad Sad Cry Cry Cry
4  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ticket & Tour Questions / Re: Australian Tour Postponed? on: December 22, 2015, 11:36:12 am
Yeah, got an email from the venue (bought tickets direct from the venue this time), with all the details about the tix being valid for new venue, but I was hoping you could shed some light (I don't expect all the nitty gritty details) as to why.

The tour worked out better in June than February with all of the schedules involved.

Tony, as we Aussies would say, (using a cricket analogy) "You've played that with a straight bat"   Grin

But I'm not laughing because I, like many have to decide now whether to take a risk in forking out more $$ to change (non refundable)  flights  to June. People will have been burned by non refundable hotel accommodation. The status quo come June, might still be the same.

Just some constructive feedback:

It's obviously not yours or John's fault, I just wish the promoter was more upfront with the fans!

The VIP ticket pricing structure set by the promoter is 100% ridiculous. $500, $380 they've got it so wrong. It wasn't anywhere near that in 2008, and John's shows were packed. That's our problem, in 2016. 

Aussie punters have just been burned on failed the Soundwave festival, many out of pocket for non refundable flights / hotels. All because the promoter was never upfront with the fans about the real reasons / status.

I hope, pray that June goes ahead, it would be very sad if it didn't.

5  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ticket & Tour Questions / Re: Australian Tour Postponed? on: December 21, 2015, 05:51:32 am
Not a rumour, fact unfortunately.

Doesn't help when it was so poorly advertised by the promoter!!

There goes my non refundable  airfare down the tube!  Cry

New Dates:

Perth: Tuesday June 14th Perth HBF Stadium *New Venue
Adelaide: Thursday June 16th, Adelaide Ent Centre  *New Venue
Sydney: Saturday June 18th , Sydney Allphones Arena
Canberra: Sunday June 19th, Canberra AIS Arena
Melbourne: Wednesday June 22nd, Rod Laver Arena
Newcastle: Friday June 24th, Newcastle Entertainment Centre *New Venue Replaces Hunter V.
Brisbane: Sunday June 26th, Brisbane Convention Centre * New Venue       
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