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1  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ask / Re: New Album, Tour, and Setlist on: September 17, 2014, 08:09:05 am
Where did you hear this, can you post a link, also i wish John's ''fans'' would stop comparing him to those other guys. I'm a fan of Fogerty, but at this point he's a nostalgia act, ditto for Seger. As for the other two, i admire them as songwriters, but their voices are like nails on a chalkboard, i couldn't care less if they played for twelve hours straight.


In this day and age it's about a dollar and for JM ticket price 13 songs is a joke......should be at least 20. But hey he hasn't taken care of himself the best (health wise) maybe at 62 he just can't rock it anymore time-wise. Springsteen is 64 I think.
2  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ask / New Album, Tour, and Setlist on: September 16, 2014, 07:38:06 pm
One I am always excited about new music. Always get excited for live shows. Please tell me that John is not truly planning on doing a 13 song show for this extensive tour? I have ALWAYS touted JM as having the best run of records with tracks 1-13 being top notch! Uh Huh Scarecrow Jubilee Big Daddy Human Wheels I mean WHAT A RUN! But at this point to tour and give this little effort? Is he ill? I hope not. But this clearly shows who still LOVES performing LIVE. Springsteen is a beast and nobody compares. Fogerty,Hiatt, and even Seger are way above doing a 13 song set. We shall see I guess. Flame away or agree.........
3  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / All About John / Re: Setlist from Summer Tour Opener on: September 16, 2014, 07:28:33 pm
Wow, just 13 songs. That's crazy, surely?!?

With a catalogue like Mellencamp's...that's sad.

You my friend are 100% CORRECT! With his catalogue this is not sad it's pathetic. Look at what Seger,Springsteen,Hiatt,Fogerty, Big Head Todd, etc do with their shows. Seriously 100.00 dollars and 13 songs? New bands with only one record play this plus 5 covers! Well i have good seats for Nashville Ryman #1 and if I get this treatment it most certainly will be the last time i pay to see JM.
4  MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Tour Talk / Re: The Midwestern Rock REBEL has sold himself out on: September 16, 2014, 05:42:34 pm
I am so disappointed in how expensive tickets were for the VIP package.  Seriously, it would have been over $500 for 2 tickets! 

And no Meet and Greet option either! Tickets too pricey for a John desired show. Nees to be about the fans. I'm anxious to see if this new album is any good, If not for Pete's Sake play the fan favs and rock the joint some!
No excuse for a lackluster setlist with the catalog he has available.
5  MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ticket & Tour Questions / Re: 2014 Summer Tour Setlist on: September 16, 2014, 05:38:16 pm
lol...not gonna happen.

You got that right! and niether are classic items from yester-year like The Great Midwest or Sugar Marie! He should really learn a thing or two from Mr Springsteen........ can never say that guy doesnt give the catalog a run-thru each tour!
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