John Mellencamp Community

MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION => Philadelphia, PA => Topic started by: chrissy53 on February 20, 2011, 07:37:09 am

Title: 2 excellent seats for 2/21/11 phila
Post by: chrissy53 on February 20, 2011, 07:37:09 am
I posted in another section yesterday that I cannot attend  the Academy of Music show Monday.  I also just got called in to the diner where I work, so busy on Sundays that I can't really take calls.  Won't be able to check replies until 4PM. 
               PARQUET SEC     ROW C   CENTER
               $130 EACH  PLUS A $21 FEE   =  $281
I posted on human-wheels but not going through for some reason -
                [email protected]