Title: Unbelievable!!! I Got John Mellencamp's Autograph! Post by: MrSickboy50 on August 19, 2015, 06:16:01 pm This is truly UNBELIEVABLE!!! I am SO HAPPY!
Last month, I sent John Mellencamp a letter, telling him all about the concert I saw in Detroit and how it was my first time seeing him and stuff (I'm only 16, if I were older I would have seen him at LEAST a dozen more times). Anyway, I followed all the instructions on his website and you know what? IT PAID OFF!!!!!!! I got the autograph I asked for!!!!!!!! Oh my goooooodness!!!!!!!!!! This means that John read my letter!!! I am beyond ecstatic, I am actually crying. I HAD to post this here, because this is proof that John really does care about his fans and he is such a humble and AWESOME man and this is why I will always love him! I cannot believe how lucky I am to have gotten my CD back signed!!! "Cuttin' Heads" was the very first CD I bought of his, so I am so thrilled that he was able to sign it... it's going on display in my room forever! THANK YOU, John, thank you for all that you've done! And thank you for taking time out of your day to read my letter and sign my CD. That means much more than you'll ever know to me! This is such a success story!!! You can see the autograph here: http://mellencamplover.deviantart.com/art/John-Mellencamp-s-Autograph-554862232?ga_submit_new=10%253A1440016029 Title: Re: Unbelievable!!! I Got John Mellencamp's Autograph! Post by: Smalltownboy on August 21, 2015, 08:17:07 am I'm glad to see you got John's autograph. Keep rocking' to those classic artists!
Mike Title: Re: Unbelievable!!! I Got John Mellencamp's Autograph! Post by: cge333 on August 21, 2015, 11:36:10 am Very Cool!!!