Larry Crane's Book

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Hello everyone!
Just wondering if anyone on here had read Larry's book "Better Road", and if so what you thought of it.

Lisa Norris

He's got a book? Never knew! What's it about; is it a biography of himself?

Yes it's a biography. I know it has his side of the story of his leaving the band. I was just curious if anyone else had read it.


It looks like it is privately published, $9.99 for the eBook, and $28 for the actual book.

It is remarkable that Larry worked with John since 1975 up to the beginning of 1991, and John got upset with him one day and "bam", the relationship ended.  Forever.

I know John is a  (not so) benevolent taskmaster, but that is really pushing it.

I would love to read the book.  They had to have gotten on pretty well for a long time, seeing as how they went from nowhere to stardom as a team.  A real shame the way it ended.

Now if Mike and/or John were to write something ...

John really sounds like me. I have the ability to just stop being friends with someone in the snap of a finger if they piss me off, even close friends. I don't know, I guess I've just learned not to trust people. But I trust John! ;) :D


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