Sept 13 2001 concert Massachusetts


I'm trying to find others that were at the concert in Mansfield MA two days after 9/11.  It was one of the most defining moments of my life; the power of John's concert was overwhelming and I remember it most clearly to this day.  Is anyone out there who was there as well?  I would also like feedback from John's people i.e. does he recall that concert as anything special, given he has done so many shows over the years?  I hope so!

I was there and this the single greatest, most memorable concert of John's  i've ever attended, and i've seen him about two dozen times. It may be the single greatest concert by anyone that i've ever attended, you had to BE there. I think from the incredible opening cover of ''Gimme Shelter'' to the last note played i had chills the whole evening, it just doesn't get ''No Better Than This''. I would love to see a Blu-Ray release of this show, or documentary of the tour preferably to be shown i theaters across America, one can dream right.

Awesome, I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers that night!


I was at that concert also.

My main memory is a lot of people in the audience waving small American flags

I wonder if any Cuttin' Heads Tour shows were audio-recorded professionally by JM.


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