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Author Topic: New live album slated for July release ''Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood''.  (Read 37858 times)
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
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« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2015, 10:24:03 pm »

I don't think you can say John Mellencamp is better than Bruce Springsteen or Bruce Springsteen is better than John Mellencamp. No artist is better than another in my humble opinion, since they're all completely different people with different minds and different art and different fans. While both of them have been huge acts in the "heartland rock" genre, I don't really think you can compare them. Or anybody, for that matter. Either you like an artist or you don't, there's really no need to compare one artist to the other! Everybody does their own thing.
I also don't think you can say that one artist is more "successful" than another. If somebody thinks success is recording 40 albums and playing 110 songs in 10 shows, well maybe it is for them! But success for someone else could be just having 1 little record out. We all interpret things differently because we ALL ARE different and that makes it really difficult to compare one person to another!
John Mellencamp and Bruce Springsteen BOTH rock! Enough said! Cool
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 10:25:58 pm by MrSickboy50 » Logged

I'm 19 years old and proud to be a hardcore John Mellencamp fan. - Brianna Hojnacki
I'm ROCK-in' In The USA
Posts: 112

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« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2015, 08:31:05 am »

I was a Springsteen fan before i ever knew who John was, but even then i thought he was overrated. I guess i too fell for all the media hype i'll always associate with the Boss, you know the ''i've just seen the future of rock & roll and his name is Bruce Springsteen'' shit. I think right around the time of ''The River'' is when i lost all interest in him and his music.

Forward a few years to 83 ''i think'' and i hear what i think is the new Rolling Stones single  ''Crumblin' Down'' coming out of my car speakers and i'm blown away when i find out it's John. Yeah the same guy who up to that point had been the whipping boy of both the rock media and Springsteen fan boys, from that day on i had no time or patience for either, i knew John was BETTER, and time has only proven me right.

As i said before i have no problem with Springsteen both as a person or as an artist, but for the most part i just cannot stand his fans. It seems there are two kinds of Boss fans, the ones that think John exists just to copy whatever Bruce does, and those who'll never give him the time of day. I think i actually ''prefer'' that last one, but to be kind and to quote The Who ''they can all just fade away'' as far as i'm concerned.
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