Show in Montreal: Please play Gimme Shelter!


Don't know if anybody from the tour reads this... Taking my chance!
I saw John a couple times and always had a blast. In 2001, I was given tickets to see him in Boston. I was so excited. It was Sept. 12 or 13. I live in Canada, I had then 2 kids aged 1 and 2. The morning of the show, as I was expected to leave, my wife came to my office to implore me not to go, as after the attacks of Sept. 11th, she felt strongly I should avoid the States for a while. I felt that going to the show would just show my resolve, our common resolve, that we would upheld liberty and the pursuit of happiness in America, regardless of the actions of these morons. But my wife lost a friend in one of the towers in NYC and being close to my family was indeed the thing to do. John opened the show in Boston with Gimme Shelter, quite the appropriate message. I am going to the show tonight in Mtl: I've kept my only unused rock'n roll ticket all this time with the hope that I could one day cash it in to hear you play this song, probably delivering a stronger message then Keith himself did. If someone on the tour reads this, let John know that it would make my night and a little more. Thanks!


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