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MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Washington, DC / Re: Going to Washington
on: January 08, 2011, 02:27:50 pm
Yes, I am going/coming to Washington. The 15th is both my wife's and my birthdays and we are coeing over from England. We also have tix for both NY gigs a few days later. W will have all day in Washington sightseeing and want to visit Ben's Chilli Bowl as wellas a few of the sights. Really looking forward to seeing John and the band again. Praying that he will do some rock songs as well as the acoustic new (old) stuff seeing as we are travbelling half way around the world. Still my dream to go to every gig on a tour.
see you there?
Dick and Mary
MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ticket & Tour Questions / Re: KY Bound?, I wish...
on: October 10, 2010, 04:49:48 pm
With respect, think yourself lucky. I have to come from England to see John in concert and would welcome a two hour trip. We have to save for years for the two trips in 05 and 08. I'm thinking of relocating to Indiana when I retire in two years just to get some rocking in before I die.
All the best,
MELLENCAMP.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS / Ticket & Tour Questions / Re: Spring 2011 Pre-Sale Questions & Problems
on: October 10, 2010, 04:43:39 pm
Hello Tony, first things first, thanks for your continued hard work with Mellencamp.com. You make the experience what it is and I am eternally grateful. Right, here goes. You will remember that my wife Mary and me have been to Seymour, Bloomington and Belmont several times on holiday and seen John loads of times in concert, (8 for Mary, 10 for me), including three times on the W & M tour in April 2005 when you helped us get tix (due to us not being able to access them via Club Cherry Bomb and Fanfire) and three in Feb 2008 in Canada (where we won the M & G). Both Mary and my birthdays are on the same day, the 15th February (I think you know what's coming next) and we are looking to come over from England, Europe to Washington and NY. I will need tix to both shows for the two of us. Can I please ask, what time they will be going on sale? This is not clear from the website as it mentions local time. Is this Eastern, Central, Indiana or what time as it will be a middle of the night job for us I think and I don't want to miss out. Secondly, I don't think I can buy tix to both the Washington and NY shows at the same time? Is this corect? or am I missing something? I am not after any favours but if I can't get the tix we won't be coming and I don't want that simply because the technology isn't up to the job like it wasn't in 05. Of course if their are any dual birthday presents these will be graciously accepted but it's not the reason I write. To sign off, again, many thanks for your hard work, we really appreciate it and would love to be able to thank you one day
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