The shows I have been to in Houston were all well attended and lots of crazy fans...but they seem to be closet fans. Can't explain it. My BFF and I are major Mellenheads and have been since high school!
We saw NBTT in Pittsburgh last November. Completely random choice of city-we were spending that weekend together and when the tour was announced, we decided to go to whatever city he was playing in! What a blast! We splurged and did the premium packages. OMG-3 rows back in the center of the stage. He was singing right to us. I was extremely pleased that he played an amazing version of "Deep Blue Heart" and it made the trip totally worth it.
The underground parking has an event charge (but not exorbitant). The trick is that all of the downtown streets are one way. Here is a link to the parking one thing I really like is that the lot is well lit and there are people there to help you, if needed. One time, my hubby locked us out of his truck

. Another time, I came out from a concert and had a dead battery. Yes, tons of people will be trying to leave at the same time, but this lot shows unexpected efficiency and the lines move.
Don't know about you, but I have started a countdown!!