John Mellencamp Community
February 12, 2025, 04:40:44 am
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MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Mellenmoments / Travelling the world
on: February 14, 2019, 12:14:00 am
JM has allowed me to see parts of the world. I live in Sydney, Australia. As I am not much of a travel fan, if there is an event I am interested in I will pack my bags and go. I have seen JM across Australia but also Chicago, New York and now his home town South Bend Indiana. And what a show it was. A beautiful place with lovely people. Keep on doing what you do JM. I will continue to travel the globe to see you and in the process see other people and places.
MELLENCAMP DISCUSSION / Introduce Yourself / Intro
on: June 22, 2017, 05:37:09 am
Fellow fan from Australia. On my way to New York to catch John in Canandaigua and New York.
Any tips on best way to get between the two. Is there any public transport or do you need to drive?
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